Bachelor's degree in Digital Interaction and Computing Techniques


Academic profile: Doctorate


Teaching Course Subject
Màster Universitari en Disseny d'Experiència d'Usuari 1 REQUISITOS DE USUARIO
Grau en Enginyeria Informàtica 2 DATA STRUCTURES
Grau en Enginyeria Informàtica 2 DATABASES
Degree in Digital Interaction and Computing Techniques 2 DATA STRUCTURES
Degree in Digital Interaction and Computing Techniques 2 DATABASES
Degree in Digital Interaction and Computing Techniques 2 SPECIFICATION AND ANALYSIS OF INTERACTIVE SYSTEMS
Degree in Digital Interaction and Computing Techniques 2 USER EXPERIENCE
Degree in Digital Interaction and Computing Techniques 3 BACHELOR'S THESIS
Degree in Digital Interaction and Computing Techniques 3 INTERNSHIP
Degree in Digital Interaction and Computing Techniques 3 PROJECT IN COMPANY 1
Degree in Digital Interaction and Computing Techniques 3 PROJECT IN COMPANY 2
Degree in Digital Interaction and Computing Techniques 3 PROJECT IN COMPANY 3
Degree in Digital Interaction and Computing Techniques 3 PROJECT IN COMPANY 4
Grau en Enginyeria Informàtica 4 INTERNSHIP


Research profile: Grup de Recerca en Interacció Persona-Ordinador i Integració de Dades (GRIHO)
Thesis Year Direction
Re-thinking Human-Computer Interaction Research and Design with a Growing Ageing Population: widening contexts of technology use, changing the subject and object of design 2015 Josep Blat; Sergio Sayago
An alternative view of ICTs use by older people in Human-Computer Interaction: similarities, digital content creation and perceived well-being 2015 Josep Blat, Sergio Sayago
Designing wearable and playful accessories to encourage free-play amongst school-aged children: conception, participatory design and evaluation 2014 Josep Blat, Sergio Sayago
Publications Year Authors Type
Towards Designing a Set of Usability and Accessibility Heuristics Focused on Cognitive Diversity: An Exploratory Case Study with Generative Artificial Intelligence 2024 Pascual, Afra; Sayago, Sergio Article d'investigació
Future Perspectives on Human-Computer Interaction Research Towards the Year 2030 2024 Sayago, Sergio; Sendín, Montserrat; Teixidó, Mercè Editor llibre d'investigació
Accesibilidad. Diseño para Todos 2023 Sayago, Sergio; Pascual, Afra Capítol de llibre d'investigació
Actas del XXIII Congreso Internacional de Interacción Persona-Ordenador INTERACCION 2023 2023 Granollers, Toni; Sendín, Montse; Garrido, Juan Enrique; García, Roberto; Teixidò, Mercè; Oliva, Marta; Gil Iranzo, Rosa; Pascual, Afra; Sayago, Sergio; Landa, Keep; Lega, Ferran; Virgili, Jordi Acta congrés
Human-Computer Interaction Research on Ageism: Essential, Incipient, and Challenging 2023 Sayago, Sergio Capítol de llibre d'investigació
Cultures in Human-Computer Interaction 2023 Sayago, Sergio Llibre d'investigació
Actas de la 1a Escuela Escuela de Verano AIPO para Estudiantes de Doctorado en Interacción Persona-Ordenador 2021 Sayago, Sergio ; Moreno, Lourdes ; Granollers, Toni Editor actes congrés
Qualitative Research in HCI: a guided introduction and case studies 2021 Sayago, Sergio Capítol de llibre d'investigació
Exploring the first experiences of computer programming of older people with low levels of formal education: A participant observational case study 2021 Sayago, Sergio; Bergantiños, Ángel Article d'investigació
Introducing Teacher of the Day in the Databases Course of the New Degree on Digital and Computing Interaction Techniques at Universitat de Lleida 2021 Sayago, Sergio Article docent
Are Voice Assistants Suitable Learning Companions for Generation-Z students of Computer Science in the Classroom? 2021 Sayago, Sergio Article docent
Reimagining Communication with Conversational User Interfaces: Anthropomorphic Design and Conversational User Experience 2020 Sayago, Sergio; Blat, Josep Capítol de llibre d'investigació
Working Towards Fostering Programming Acceptance in the Everyday Lives of Older and Adult People with Low Levels of Formal Education: A Qualitative Case Study 2019 Sayago, S.; Bergantiños, A.; Forbes, P. Capítol de llibre d'investigació
Web-based embodied conversational agents and older people 2019 Llorach, G.; Agenjo, J.; Sayago, S.; Blat, J. Capítol de llibre d'investigació
Older People Positive, Active and Creative ICT Use: A Study in Three Countries 2019 Ferreria, S.; Sayago, S.; Blat, J. Capítol de llibre d'investigació
Editorial Introduction - Perspectives on Human-Computer Interaction Research with Older People 2019 Sayago, S. Capítol de llibre d'investigació
Publishing accessible proceedings: the DSAI 2016 case study 2019 Ribera, M.; Pozzobon, R.; Sayago, S. Article d'investigació
Editorial Conclusion - Where do we go from here? 2019 Sayago, S. Capítol de llibre d'investigació
digital games and older people from a theoretical and conceptual perspective: a critical literature review 2019 Sayago, S.; Rosales, A.; Righi, V.; Ferreira, SM.; Coleman, G.; Blat, J. Capítol de llibre d'investigació
Perspectives on Human-Computer Interaction Research with Older People 2019 Sayago, S. Llibre d'investigació
Ageing with Information and Communication Technologies in the 21st century - preface 2018 Sayago, S.; Blat, J.; Romero, M.; Sawchuk, K. Article d'investigació
Co-designing with a community of older learners for over 10 years by moving user-driven participation from the margin to the centre 2018 Righi, V.; Sayago, S.; Rosales, A.; Ferreira, SM.; Blat, J. Article d'investigació
Game-Based Learning Across the Lifespan. Cross-Generational and Age-Oriented Topics 2017 Romero, M.; Sawchuk, K.; Blat, J.; Sayago, S.; Ouellet, H. Llibre d'investigació
Older people's production and appropriation of digital videos: an ethnographic study 2017 Ferreira, SM.; Sayago, S.; Blat, J. Article d'investigació
When we talk about older people in HCI, who are we talking about? Towards a 'turn to community' in the design of technologies for a growing ageing population 2017 Righi, Valeria; Sayago, Sergio; Blat, Josep Article d'investigació
Going beyond telecentres to foster the digital inclusion of older people in Brazil: lessons learned from a rapid ethnographical study 2016 Ferreira, SM.; Sayago, S.; Blat, J. Article d'investigació
Beeping Socks and Chirping Arm Bands: Wearables That Foster Free Play 2015 Rosales, A.; Sayago, S.; Blat, J. Article d'investigació
On the conceptualization, design and evaluation of appealing, meaningful, and playable digital games for older people 2015 Sayago S, Rosales A, Righi V, Ferreira SM, Coleman GW, Blat J. Article d'investigació
On the evocative power and play value of a wearable movement-to-sound interaction accessory in the rich free-play of schoolchildren 2014 Rosales, A.; Sayago, S.; Carrascal, J.; Blat, J. Article d'investigació
Older people becoming successful ICT learners over time: challenges and strategies through an ethnographical lens 2013 Sayago, S.; Forbes, P.; Blat, J. Article d'investigació
Selective attention in web forms: an exploratory case study with older people 2012 Guijarro, Jose Maria; Sayago, Sergio; Blat, Josep Article d'investigació
Everyday use of computer-mediated communication tools and its evolution over time: an ethnographical study with older people 2011 Sayago, Sergio; Sloan, David; Blat, Josep Article d'investigació
An ethnographical study of the accessibility barriers in the everyday interactions of older people with the web 2011 Sayago, Sergio; Blat, Josep Article d'investigació
Telling the story of older people e-mailing: an ethnographical study 2010 Sayago, Sergio; Blat, Josep Article d'investigació